Scion Wood

Desirable varieties of Pawpaws are in high demand. Breeders have been selecting for taste, size, reliability and many other awesome factors. Unfortunately almost all attempts to root scions directly have failed. So pawpaw growers have focused on grafting scion wood (branch cuttings) onto seedling rootstock.  If you have a wild seedling tree and find the fruit not to be all you had hoped for, you should try grafting onto it and getting some amazing genetics!

The scions I have available were harvested before the buds awakened this winter/spring from trees grown on our homestead. The scions have been held dormant and slightly moist in cold storage. Listed below are the varieties we currently are stewarding and breeding here at Entwoods Evermore ( - an intentional community in the tiny town of Bat Cave, in the mountains of western North Carolina. 

If you have any questions, ideas or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me!!!